Thursday, January 7, 2016

New Pre Eclampsia Test

Pregnancy can be tiring, exhausting even, emotionally and physically.

Mom's learn to cope with the uneasiness by getting comfortable in new ways, often using many pillows and enjoying massages offered by loved ones.

Our body systems need to be helped too - good diet (80-100 mgs protein, fruits and vegetables), exercise, walking and rest.

Sometimes the care providers run test to see what's going on 'inside'. In response to swelling, headache and a rise in blood pressure etc. they will evaluate for Pre Eclampsia

 A new predictor test will help guide their decisions about how much to test as an outpatient, and when it is necessary to hospitalize women.
"This could improve your clinical decisions with regards whether you hospitalize the patient, or monitor them as an outpatient, as well as the intensity of outpatient monitoring,"

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Words, words, words.

Words are powerful. As our children learn to use them, they share their funny ideas and their worrisome fears. They mimic us loving and caring for one another with kind gentle words. Unfortunately, they also copy us with some not so nice words!

According to recent research, "electronic toys that light up, talk or play music might slow language development in toddlers" . The children focus on the toy, are even engaged for quite some time, but there is no talking, no conversation. There is no reciprocal communication with the parent and thus no language skills being reinforced.

One article alluded to the possibility that talking in conversations encourages
sharing and turn taking in play.

Old fashioned toys on the other hand, lend to conversational interactions. "... saying “Oh, that’s a piggy,” or “That barn is red.” Words like that were said over four times as often with books "

So, get out the blocks, the puzzles and the books. Get the play kitchen and work bench out. Lets talk about life as we play.

Don't get me started on white the TV being on constantly!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Shopping with infants

Grocery shopping can be quite a chore with infants and toddlers. During this busy holiday month it can seem an even greater challenge. But, please do not put the car seat on top of the cart!

Falls from carts lead to tragic head injuries. Car seats are safest when rear facing in a car...not atop a grocery cart.

Safety means more time (wear baby in a front carrier) and perhaps more people (take along a person to help with the children) But your children are worth the investment.

 It suggests on the AAP News web site,
  • use carts with safer designs that allow children to ride closer to the ground (for example, in a small model car in front of the cart).

The Consumer Product Safety Commission has some ideas too: -

     Use seatbelts to restrain your child in the cart seat.

 Retailers should ensure that all carts have seatbelts and that the seatbelts work as intended.

 Stay with your child at all times.

 Don’t allow your child to ride in the cart basket.

 Don’t place a personal infant carrier or car seat in the cart seat or basket.

 Don't allow your child to ride or climb on the sides or front of the cart.

 Don’t allow a child to push the cart with another child in it.


Saturday, December 5, 2015

Party Planning!

When planning a big party (Bar Mitzvah, QuinceaƱera, wedding) people use consultants, wedding day coordinators, caterers, decorators and florists. They may even hire tables, chairs, linens and the like to make the event memorable for all.

The same can be said about pregnancy, labor, birth and the postpartum's a big event bringing a new person into this world and should be given the same attention, if not more, than a big party.

A birth and postpartum doula allows you the freedom to focus on what is important to you. A doula might guide and teach you in some areas. She may even take over the preparation of light meals, or the folding of laundry, so that you can snuggle your baby or take a much needed nap.

Who is helping you plan for your big birth day? And the days after the birth?

Contact Beverley via 
or Fredericksburg.doula@gmail,com

Placenta encapsulating. Ingestion of your what??

There is much anecdotal evidence that placenta encapsulation etc., can be beneficial to the health and wellbeing of a new mother.

There is now a group of scientists seeking to truly investigate the benefits of placenta ingestion.

What are your thoughts on placenta ingestion?

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thirty two years ago the USA Today published a piece by Mei Mei Chan, entitled "A Nanny is nice...if you can find one" about professional, fully trained Nannies in the USA. ( Ms Chan just retired,  having attained wonderful accomplishments in her chosen career).

The photo I shared yesterday was part of the photo shoot for the article.

In the years between then and now, I have added new roles and titles to my repertoire ...mummy or mommy, aunt, foster parent, grandparent and doula (birth and postpartum).

While my titles have changed my work has stayed the same - caring, loving, nurturing, encouraging, educating, helping and guiding new lives and new families.

I still enjoy my work.